Trade The Pool Employs TraderEvolution’s Software for Their Proprietary Trading Project
Trade The Pool, a funding firm for stock traders, launched its proprietary trading service based on TraderEvolution Global’s software. Trade The Pool offers traders who pass evaluation the possibility to trade a chunk of the company’s pool, to allow stock day traders to generate profits from trading US equities and ETFs.
To ensure the proper experience for their clients, Trade The Pool decided to provide them with a professional trading platform that would contain the best features available and an easy and user-friendly workspace. TraderEvolution which has experience in serving proprietary trading companies proved capable of meeting the criteria.
Commenting on the partnership, Michael Katz, CEO of Trade The pool, said:
“Working with Trader Evolution helps our traders to make better trading decisions in real time. The trading solutions it provides come with unrivalled support, which allows our traders' mental calmness that allows them to take in everything else that affects the trade decisions.”
Roman Nalivayko, CEO of TraderEvolution Global, said:
“The partnership with Trade The Pool is a great experience for us and an opportunity to continue learning about how to keep professional traders fully satisfied. With its exceptional and tech-savvy team Trade The Pool has a decent potential as a fintech investment firm, and we are glad to be part of their project. ”
Trade The Pool’s product offering built in partnership with CBOE consists of over 3000 CFDs on equities and ETFs from the US market available in each of 3 funding programs for applying traders. Having trading terminals from Trade The Pool, the program participants will be able to use numerous panels for quick-paced trading. Among key tools are those for scalping, level-2 trading with information about order flow, market discovery tools as well as charts that support multiple styles and data aggregations.
About Trade The Pool
Trade The Pool is a brand developed and backed by Five Percent Online Ltd., a company that operates, a well-known and highly reputed online prop firm established in 2016.
Our in-depth knowledge and experience are derived from years of specialising in the funding-traders arena.
Our team includes senior active traders with first-hand experience. Living through all aspects of being traders is what inspires us to build the best rewarding trading environment. This approach has positioned The5ers as a leader and the most innovative company in the online prop trading industry.
A similar attitude of leadership and innovation is presented in how we have created the program, where our key value is building a mutually beneficial relationship between us and our partner traders.
About TraderEvolution Global Ltd.
TraderEvolution is a multi-market trading platform provider offering modular, tailored solutions that include a back-end with established connectivities to dozens of markets across the globe, and a complex front-end suite with web, mobile, and desktop applications. The company serves banks and brokers from around the world, empowering them with an independent and liquidity-neutral solution to facilitate core brokerage operations or complement their existing solutions.
The most important milestones on our path to make financial markets more efficient.
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